Why Dental Implants Provide an Effective Solution For Those Who Have Lost Their Natural Teeth

Dental implants have quickly become the most popular tooth replacement available today. Implants provide improved oral health and comfort and can restore a person's ability to eat and chew food without pain. They also prevent other teeth from becoming lost, further protecting teeth and the jawbone. If you are missing more than one tooth, you may be a good candidate for dental implants.

Dental bridges are simply tooth-like attachments that are placed over existing teeth. Implants are the only tooth-like replacement that prevents other bone tissue from deteriorating and encourages new, permanent bone growth in the jaw. Dental bridges simply require local surgery to the affected area of missing teeth, while dental crowns that require surgery to the jawbone and surrounding teeth are permanently anchored in place with screws and metal clips. A dental implant is a much more complex and long-term solution for tooth restoration.

Although dental implants restore a healthy smile, they are not a remedy for tooth decay and other oral health issues. You should also expect to pay more for a replacement tooth than for a traditional tooth replacement. Depending on the level of replacement needed and the location of the tooth, implants can cost from a few thousand dollars to several tens of thousands of dollars, although your insurance will likely cover most of the cost.

If you lose all of your teeth, you cannot be restored to a healthy, functional smile by dental implants alone. There are several other steps that must be taken to achieve a natural, healthy smile. Your doctor will determine the best placement and restoration method for you. This will involve a consultation with your dentist, an examination of your mouth and the current condition of your teeth, and possibly x-rays or other tests.

Your new, repaired smile will not only provide you with the confidence that comes from your healthy teeth, but you may find that people begin to notice a new you as well. Many employers are now requiring applicants to complete a dental implantation interview in order to apply for a job. If you have lost one or more teeth, you may even find that your smile makes you look younger and more attractive than before.

Dental implants are a wise investment for anyone who has suffered from a serious oral health issue. They improve the function of your jaw and restore your bite, which leads to a more natural teeth appearance. Implants help you accomplish a better looking smile and overall healthier mouth. Dental Implants are a great solution for those who have missing teeth. They allow you to regain your smile and lead a more natural life.


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