Did Dental Floss Invent in the US?

If you think about it, was dental floss invented in the US or overseas? The earliest source of this dental product would have to be the Ottoman Empire. This is because it was initially used as a dental aide in the field of medicine. By the time the US got involved with this business, it was strictly a dental product and was only sold to the general public as an over-the-counter item. The US was not a large manufacturing base for this product and it was not until the 1950s that the dental floss was reclassified as a dietary supplement and was made available to the US market.

There are many theories as to how was dental floss invented in the US. One popular one is that it was actually patented in San Francisco by Robert Yorey, but his claim has been contested by his former employer, the Orthodontist Company of America. In fact, Yorey's work was highly commendable, even though the company that employed him, Orthodontist Co, was closed down in 1957. The other popular theory on the origin of dental floss in the US is that it was created during World War II by the United States military as a way to clean their mouths in order to prevent gagging and choking. Even today, some of the toothpaste products in the US contain a component that is believed to be a derivative of Yorey's invention.

Dental floss has become an important part of daily dental care in the US. Many people suffer from bad breath that is caused by plaque buildup and abrasion between teeth. Dental floss is helpful in removing this buildup, which will reduce the amount of bacteria that causes foul breath. It also helps remove any food particles that can irritate the gums and cause tooth decay. When you consider all these benefits, it is easy to see how the was dental floss invented in the US could be linked back to hygiene.

However, some experts do not believe that dental floss was invented in the US. For example, William Bates, an English dentist, pointed out that flossing is not a hygiene technique that is taught in the US, contrary to other countries such as England and Australia. He also noted that dental floss was not commonly used until the 20th century, when countries began to require flossing for schoolchildren.

Today, many schools around the US continue to teach children about dental hygiene and basic dental procedures. However, many people are choosing to avoid flossing as a part of their regular dental hygiene routine. There are many health benefits to flossing that make it an even more attractive option to many people. Not only is it less messy than brushing your teeth, but there are also a number of different kinds of floss on the market.

Some people prefer to use "bi-floss" which is comprised of extra bits of food that are inserted between the teeth. Other people are not bothered by this extra work and use regular toothpaste. As more studies have been done on the benefits of dental floss, it appears that the US was not the first place to discover dental flossing. So the next time you ask, "was dental floss invented in the US," think again!


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